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Chinese Casino

Gambling in the People’s Republic of China is illegal and punishable under harsh terms set out by the law. The law caters to both locals and foreigners. The only two places where any form of gambling is allowed are the Special Administrative Regions {SAR} of Macau and Hong Kong. These two regions are under the Central People’s Government of China but have high autonomy in currency, legal systems, passports, police force, the national language just to name a few. Citizens of mainland China require passports, visa to travel to the two regions.

Despite gambling being outlawed in China, citizens have long been gambling in online casinos. Major online casinos accept punters from China and deal in Chinese currency, Renminbi. The casinos use Mandarin and Cantonese as means of communication. Online casinos exploit loopholes in the law to provide gambling services to Chinese citizens. The online casinos operate from countries where gambling is legalized. They provide the platform, despite being physically located elsewhere.

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